software localization registered at technical translator   |   website localization In software development, localization includes primarily the translation  of the software product in a different language. It is also the process of adapting internationalized software for a specific region or language by adding locale-specific components and translating text.The translation services required as part of the software localization are usually processed with specialized CAT programs. Addition, however, date, time, currency, and temperature, and measurements, conversion sizes and other terms are affected. Years of experience in CAM prorgamming and technical 3D designs with different CAD softwares I specialize in CAD CAM software localization, knowing the concepts, advantages and disadvantages of technical terms and using this in development and CAD/CAM programming. That offers high-quality technical CAD CAM software localization “In order to gain a foothold in the lucrative German market, your software should be localized or translated into high quality TECHNICAL German!” © 3D NC Böcherer - Baslerstraße 46 - 79312 Emmendingen (near Freiburg / Baden Württemberg - Germany) order now rate: 0.14 € per word at 0049 (0)7641 51490 get the localization Technisches 3D Design am Computer (CAD) change language: German